Hormone Health MD Bioidentical Blog

July 7, 2008

Natural Bioidentical Hormone Estrogen Replacement

   There are several reasons to consider natural bioidentical estrogen replacement when approaching menopause. Relief of menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, low libido, vaginal dryness, wrinkling skin, fatigue, and urinary incontinence usually send us to the doctor. But the long term benefits of estrogen are maintenance of  eye health, prevention of memory loss, heart health, bone production (prevention of osteoporosis)and tissue repair.

   What is natural bioidentical hormone replacement? It means using hormones that are biologically the same identical molecule as what your body makes. In other words, the hormones are the same chemical structure as the ones that your body made before menopause. A customized dose of natural bioidentical hormonal therapy is the only way to replace hormones safely. Studies have shown that women who use hormone replacement live longer than those who do

   There are several reasons to consider natural bioidentical hormone replacement therapy when approaching menopause. Relief of menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, low libido, vaginal dryness, wrinkling skin, fatigue, and urinary incontinence usually send us to the doctor. But the long term benefits of estrogen are maintenance of  eye health, prevention of memory loss, heart health, bone production (prevention of osteoporosis)and tissue repair.

   Estrogen has 400 functions in your body. It increases your metabolic rate, enhances energy, improves insulin sensitivity, and regulates body temperature. It prevents muscle damage and helps maintain muscle. In the cardiovascular arena, it helps maintain the elasticity of your arteries, dilates your small arteries, increases blood flow, inhibits platelet stickiness, decreases the accumulation of plaque on your arteries, decreases blood pressure, decreases LDL(bad cholesterol) and prevents its oxidation,  acts as a natural calcium channel blocker to keep your arteries open, decreases lipoprotein A ( a risk factor for heart disease), reduces homocysteine (another risk factor for heart disease), increases HDL (good cholesterol) by 10 to 15%, and reduces the overall risk of heart disease by 40 to 50%.

   Estrogen has many benefits for your brain and nervous system. It helps maintain your memory, increases reasoning and new ideas, helps with fine motor skills, enhances the production of nerve-growth factor, improves your mood, increases concentration,  helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease, improves your mood, aids in the formation of neurotransmitters in your brain such as serotonin which decreases depression, irritability, anxiety,and pain sensitivity.

   For eye health, it protects against macular degeneration and helpsprevent cataracts.

   For beauty, it maintains the amount of collagen, increases the water content, thickness, and softness of your skinand decreases wrinkles.

   For bones, it maintains bone density and helps prevent tooth 1oss.

   It increases sexual interest and decreases your risk of colon cancer

   So with decreased estrogen you get thinner skin, more wrinkles/aging skin, decrease in breast size, stress incontinence, oily skin, acne, decreased sex drive, decreased dexterity, increase in insulin resistanceand possible diabetes, vaginal dryness, decreased memory, osteoporosis, urinary tract infections, and increased cholesterol. Sounds like getting old, huh?

   Peri-menopause and menopause occurs in our 40’s and 50’s.  Most women of that age group can expect to live to be a mean age of 83. You may spend 30-40 years without the benefits of estrogen and will experience the resultant decline.

   With a safe and effective way of replacing estrogen with bioidentical hormones, women no longer need to bear the decline of deficiency with aging.

    A few things to remember. Never take any kind of estrogen orally. It increases circulating inflammatory factors that can increase inflammatory disease, increases C-reactive protein which can increase heart disease, and can decrease IGF-1, the active growth hormone in the body. Estrogen should not be taken without progesterone to balance it whether or not you still have your uterus. Estrogen is a building up hormone and needs to be balanced with natural bioidentical progesterone to prevent breast tenderness, weight gain, and an increased thickness of the uterine lining. Estrogen is best administered as a cream or gel by applying it to the skin.

For further informattion contact:

Aref Bhuiya M.D., 5655 Lindero Canyon Rd., Ste. 202, Westlake Village, CA 91362, 818-597-3223.

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